Heo In-hoe, who won by 5 strokes, said, "I was looking at the dinner menu in the parking lot."

Heo In-hoe, who won by 5 strokes, said, "I was looking at the dinner menu in the parking lot."

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On the 30th, Heo In-hoe finished the 18th hole (par 5) in the 4th round of the Korea Professional Golf Association (KPGA)

Tour Biz Play Wonder Club Open (total prize money of 700 million won) with par and consoled himself by saying, "I did

well to get 2nd place."

At the time, Heo In-hoe was in sole second place, one stroke behind Jang Yu-bin, who was playing the 15th hole.

Heo In-hoe watched the rest of the game from his car without much expectation, and became even more discouraged after

seeing Jang Yu-bin maintain her one-stroke advantage on the 17th hole (par 4).

He said he was waiting in the car for the game to end while thinking about what to eat for dinner.

However, when Jang Yu-bin missed a 47.5 cm par putt on the 18th hole, the match went into overtime, and Heo In-hoe

had to hurriedly return to the field.

Afterwards, Heo In-hoe achieved a dramatic comeback victory after the second overtime. He was tied for 9th place, 5

strokes behind Jang Yu-bin, until the third round.

After the awards ceremony, Heo In-hoe said, "I thought I could have gone into the extension or won if I birdied the 18th

hole, but I ended up making par," and added, "I checked my score in the car halfway out of the golf course after I got ready

to go home."

Heo In-hoe said, "I was already feeling good about coming in second place. When (Jang Yu-bin) made par on the 17th

hole, I was looking for something to eat for dinner, and then I got a call from the association and came running from the

parking 스포츠토토존 lot."

He laughed and said it was a "performance" when he chose driver for the second shot of the first extension on the 18th


He said, "It's a mini driver with a small head, so I thought it would be more like me to show an aggressive look by hitting

the wood. I'm satisfied because I think I performed interestingly."

Of course, that decision didn't stop at just the performance, but also led to a birdie and became the foundation for the

victory in the second extension.

Heo In-hoe said, "I had poor results at the beginning of the season but started to pick up in the latter half, so I think it was

good that I focused from the first competition this year as if it were my last," adding, "My goal is to maintain my ability to

place in the top 20-30 in every competition."

He continued, "My ultimate goal is to get a permanent seed. (To do that) I need to win 20 times, so I have a long way to go.

My next goal is to go to the senior tour and win."

With this, Heo In-hoe has accumulated six wins in total.

When he won the GS Caltex Maekyung Open in May 2021, he gave credit to his wife, Eun-chae Yuk, who was his caddie at

the time, and after he won his fifth title at the iMBank Open in September last year, he praised his son as his "lucky son."

This time, Heo In-hoe said, "(Yuk) Eun-chae, you've had a hard time," and told his son, "This is the second win since I gave

birth to you. Since you're that kind of person, you should also grow up healthy. I love you."

This time, he shouted at his father, "Thanks to you, father, I trained hard and became a great player. I will work hard in the

future, so please watch over me."

Meanwhile, Heo In-hoe said, "I really wanted to talk about this," and made a bold statement that the difficulty of the

courses in KPGA Tour events has decreased in recent years.

Heo In-hoe said, "I think the average difficulty level was harder 10 years ago. I've felt like (the battlefield) has been

stretched a lot for the past few years," and added, "I don't know why, but I don't think they're making the course easier by

shortening it."

He said, "There is not a single hole among the courses I have played so far where I could not get a two-on with the driver

on the third hole," and added, "I hope they set a high standard for the male pros in our country when designing the


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